Monday, November 24, 2008

Hearing God

So I've been thinking about music and specifically Christian Music, the people who perform it and exactly what-is-our-inspiration?
Ya know often times there's a sort of church-eeze or religious verbage that is used so often to describe our Christian Modus Operandi that it's become cliche'

What I think is so odd about that is all this theology terminology that's over used is not really even understood?
I mean if I said to you..."I write and sing Christian music ... because God told me to."
Would you even know what I was talking about?
If you're Christian, the first response is "of course."
But if you're not, Christian that is, you might say "What?!" "You audibly heard God?"

So here is an example of what "hearing God" means and feels like.

You know when you think you heard someone say your name and you look and no one is there? You could swear you heard weird is say to yourself "I know I heard my name just now"?
Hearing God is kind of like that, you pray (talk) to God and ask him something or ... even better you just sit and try to listen to him & when the noise of the world & your do to lists finally fade away and you hear quiet....God is there.

That's how you hear God...and when you're a song writer the best moments of your life come in those still moments. Sitting there with your instrument listening to God then some how it's there all of the sudden...something that never existed before... a song!
A new contribution of beauty to this planet...something to leave behind recorded something to cheer up or encourage your great, great grandchildren .

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