Monday, December 1, 2008

Weathering Heights

So it's a snowy cold day where I am and I was thinking of writing a song. I took this shot of my guitar in the Chicago snow. It's been years since I've been in the snow. Strange how the chords sounded higher and crisper. I thought that is unusual for my style...I tend to go more for the warmer full toned chords. So I started to the weather inspiring me in a different way?

I started to research the topic and found composers are indeed affected by the weather.

For example the normally romantic composer Richard Strauss wrote the famous
"Alpine Symphony" on his trip to Switzerland. If you listen to this piece you will probably feel the bleakness the composer felt, he was inspired by the icy terrain and the sharp mountains of snow.

So if you're a composer/writer you may ask yourself this... "During what season do I write best?" & "Where were my best songs written?"
Then you'll know... "When & Where" to take your next inspired/composing vacation to "create your masterpiece"

Or, if your a person who loves to listen to music, next time you listen to your favorite piece of music...ask yourself a new question "What season might this song have been written?" Hmmmm

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